Assessed Value Notification Request

The Email Address already exists in our system

NOTE: APN can be found by entering your property address on the Property Search

We are no longer accepting 2023 NAV Request. The pin for 2023 notices are no longer valid.

If you are the owner of a property on January 1, 2024, you will receive a new Notice of Assessed Value statement (NAV) for Roll Year 2024-2025. The NAV’s are mailed out the end of June and early July.

The NAV will contain your lien date values as of January 1, 2024, and a new pin number to Opt-in to our Member Services. Once you Opt-in, you will set up an account with a passcode and the pin will no longer be needed or valid to log into the account. When you Opt-in, you will receive various paperless notifications from the Assessor’s office and have the option to manage your property tax notifications from the Department of Tax and Collections (DTAC). Every year subsequently, your NAV will be available electronically for you as an account holder.