Autumn Young
  • Deputy Assessor
  • Phone: 408-299-5572

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Assessed Values of Residential Properties Rise Values of Commercial, Industrial, and Office Properties almost same as last year.

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Larry Stone is pleased as punch and the Santa Clara County assessor is not one to hide his feelings. This time, he’s got good reason to be pleased with himself and the work of his office: He’s just survived a $1 billion challenge to his assessment process. Now, being the assessor is one of those usually thankless jobs.

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Assessment Roll growth continues to slow.

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Assessor restores and reduces assessed values, overall net reduction almost $10 Billion


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Today, County Assessor Larry Stone announced that the total assessed value of all real and business personal property in Santa Clara County grew by a scant 3.16%, reflecting an increase of $6.67 billion. The total assessed value of all real and business personal property is $217.52 billion.

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