Property Maps and Records

The Assessor’s Office offers easy to use tool enabling users to perform a property search by entering just the first few characters of the address or utilizing a Google map. Properties can also be searched by parcel number and there is a special tool to search the nearly 10,000 mobile home properties.

Information displayed includes useful property information, free of charge, such as the assessed value, assessor's parcel number (APN), document number, property address, Assessor parcel maps, mailing address and other information.

Consistent with State law, the system does not allow searches by owner name, nor are the names of individual property owners displayed. The database will be updated weekly to reflect changes in ownership; however, assessed values are available only for the most recent annual assessment roll closures.

Residents can also research at the Assessor's office a property's indicated sales price, which can be different from the assessed value. To learn more about researching the indicated sales price, see the commonly asked questions below.

Parcel Maps and Search Property Records

The Assessor's Office allows residents to view, free of charge, basic information about properties in Santa Clara County such as assessed value, assessor's parcel number (APN), document number, property address, Assessor parcel maps, and other information. This information is available on-line by clicking here, by microfiche or computer at the Assessor's Office located at 130 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.

In addition, residents can also research at the Assessor's office a property's indicated sales price, which can be different from the assessed value. To learn more about researching the indicated sales price, see the commonly asked questions below.

Can you tell me how much a house was sold for?

We can provide the indicated sales price. There is a list of property transfers within the county, which have occurred within the preceding two year period. There is a nominal fee to view the information for one year, plus a photocopy charge per page. For a complete list of fees see click here or for more general information on, and forms for purchasing data from the Assessor's Office click here.

Why is there a fee? Isn't it public information?

The list is available for public viewing, but the fee is for administrative costs to develop and provide the information. For more information about fees and why we have them as well as a detailed fee schedule click here.

What is on the list?

The list contains the following information:

Name of Buyer/Transferee Seller/Transferor Assessor's parcel number Property address Land use Date of transfer Date of recording Document number Indicated sales price

Where can I get the information, and what is the best time?

You can get the information from the Assessor's Office located at 130 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.

What information do I have to give to you before I can access the data?

Please bring either a check or cash to pay for the information, and either the property address or the Assessor's parcel number that you are interested in.

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