Autumn Young
  • Deputy Assessor
  • Phone: 408-299-5572

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On July 1 the Assessor’s Office delivered to the Santa Clara County Finance Agency Director and the Tax Collector the completed annual assessment roll which is a snap shot of all assessed values as of the lien (valuation) date, January 1, 2008. The total, net assessed value of all real and business property grew by $19 billion to $303 billion, an increase of 6.98 percent over the prior year. Palo Alto and Cupertino experienced the largest growth in assessed value, 11 percent and 10 percent respectively. In contrast, Morgan Hill and the unincorporated portions of Santa Clara County experienced the lowest at 4 percent each

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Assessor changes procedures to increase compliance.


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Second Update on Notice Error.


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May 12, 2008; 7:15 PM--The Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office mailed more than 470,000 assessment notification cards on Friday. The card provides the property owner the opportunity to review the taxable value before it is formally enrolled on July 1 and sent to the Controller and Tax Collector to generate the 2008-09 tax bill, mailed in September.

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Oficina del Tasador del Condado de Santa Clara Advierte Sobre Compañía que Cobra Innecesariamente por Servicio

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