Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR) BOE-502A

Preliminary Change of Ownership Report (PCOR) - BOE Form: 502-A

State law requires new homeowners and anyone else named as holding an interest in real property to file a PCOR with the County Recorder's Office at the time of recording any deed. Typically, it is filled out in escrow and accompanies the deed when recorded. Information which the new owner furnishes on this form will assist the Assessor to determine whether or not there is a reappraisable change in ownership; and if so, the fair market value of the property. The Recorder’s Office will add a fee for any deed recorded without a PCOR. It must be signed by the new owner, not an agent. The new address on the PCOR will be used to update the mailing address on file. Claim forms are available to view and/or print by clicking below. They are also available by calling or writing the Assessor's Office.

For More Information Please Contact:

Assessor Property Transfer Unit
County Government Center
East Wing, 5th Floor
70 West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95110
Phone: 408-299-5540
Fax: 408-298-9446

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