When a City or other governmental jurisdiction issues a building permit, they are required to notify the Assessor's office of that new permit. This notification is required since the Assessor is mandated to assess value added by new construction

The differences between new construction, remodeling and normal repairs can sometimes be confusing and are often treated differently by the Assessor. Under ordinary circumstances, new construction will add value to a property, repairs are typically considered a part of ordinary property maintenance and do not cause a change in the assessment, and remodelling, depending upon the extent, may result in an increased assessment.

The Assessor's Office has never charged for filing the simple, one-page Homeowners’ Exemption claim form. Property owners may file an exemption claim on the property they occupy as their principal place of residence directly with the Assessor at no charge and without using the service offered by PTARC, or any other company.

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Supplemental assessments create tax bills which are "in addition" to the normal annual property tax bill sent to each property owner. Depending on the date of a supplemental event, one, two, or more supplemental tax bills will be created.