Autumn Young
  • Deputy Assessor
  • Phone: 408-299-5572

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Today, County Assessor Larry Stone announced that the total assessed value of all real and business personal property in Santa Clara County grew by a scant 3.16%, reflecting an increase of $6.67 billion. The total assessed value of all real and business personal property is $217.52 billion.

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In a clear sign that local small business owners appreciate the convenience of filing their Business Property Statement on-line, participation increased by 66% to 4,696 electronic filings.

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Santa Clara County Assessor Larry Stone announced today that his office will mail Assessment Notification cards to all property owners in Santa Clara County this week, 441,678 postcards in total. This year 32,756 property owners will receive a temporary reduction in assessed value as the market values of their property fell below their assessed value due to the declining market conditions in Silicon Valley.

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County Assessor Larry Stone reports 29,014 properties to receive temporary reductions

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Oakgrove School District will not have to increase property taxes

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